Monday, February 26, 2018

Wonderful Winterfest by Austin & Connor

This year was Austin Road Elementary School’s second annual Winterfest for grades 3-5. Winterfest is great for hanging out with your school friends without your parents! You can play hoops with high school senior basketball players, take a picture in a photo booth, or play Nucum in the gym. You can even earn raffle tickets for donating pajamas to children in hospitals. The raffle tickets get placed in a box so you can win a prize at the end of the event. In the cafeteria, there were games, pizza, four square, and even a Photo Booth! Winterfest is so much fun and we’re definitely going back next year. We hope you do, too!

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Ending to our Secret Santa by Sofia

We all knew that we were going to have a Secret Santa, but you’re probably wondering how it ended!  It was a wonderful day but no snow.  However, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Ziegelhofer let us wear pajamas and we all put our gifts near our mini Christmas town!  And man...the anticipation to open up one of those wonderfully wrapped presents!  It was nice while everyone was walking into the class.  Most of us just talked and looked at all the beautiful decorations!

Finally, the time came and we all sat in a huge circle on the rug waiting for the teachers to give us directions! We went one by one having 2 guesses of who we thought our Secret Santa is! By the time it ended only 4 people guessed right. We were SO excited to open up our gifts. At the end it was nice to see all the wonderful crafts everyone made! Everyone’s gifts made us feel warm and cozy inside like a cup of cocoa!

Our Secret Santa was extraordinary!

Our Letter to Mr. Campanella by Sophia & Connor

Austin Road Elementary School

390 Austin Road

Mahopac, New York 10541

January 10, 2018

Campanella Fence Co.

289 Route 6

Mahopac, NY 10541

Dear Mr. Campanella,               

Hello Mr. Campanella. This is Sophia and Connor in Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Ziegelhofer’s 4th grade class at Austin Road School. Our teachers told us that you donated a coop to our school about 10 years ago. We would greatly appreciate it if you could make and donate a duck house to our school once again. Our class plans on hatching ducklings this spring. Our teachers loved the duck house you made for their class before, but it seems we need a new one. We will need it by the end of May. We also need a ramp to get the ducklings in the house. Other students in our class are drawing a picture of what we think is best for the duck house to look like, and we are hoping you can get the closest to the design.

Thank you very much, and again we greatly appreciate it!


Sophia and Connor

Duck Coop Design by Peter

Students in Room 217 designed a duck coop!!! My classmate and I designed a coop for ducklings we plan to hatch in the spring.  We sent our design to a fencing company (Campanella Fence in Mahopac) hoping they would make it for us. While we designed the duck coop, two other classmates wrote a letter to the company asking for a donation to build us a coop for our ducklings. We hope they say yes because we’ll be hatching ducklings in our classroom this spring using an incubator.  Before we made our design, we had a meeting with our principal and he said that our design would work out! Stay tuned...