Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Our New Tadpoles!!! by Bella & Hayden

Our class got another great, educational pet…TADPOLES!!! We have many animals in our class, but our tadpoles live in water as a baby and on land as an adult, which makes them amphibians. The life cycle of a toad is called metamorphosis. The students in our class will never be the same after these tadpoles become toads. Every week our class has to sketch the growth of the tadpoles and write what we observe. We have lots, and we mean LOTS, of tadpoles. Not trying to brag, but now we have a guinea pig, duck eggs, and cute, little amphibians! We will make an update when our tadpoles become toads!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Take a Guess??? by Bella & Sophia

Every time we get a ticket from our teachers, we have to take a guess. A guess about what, you are wondering? We earn the tickets by being very well behaved and/or if you are on the awesome board. We need to guess a number that represents the amount of objects in the ring pop container. The amount changes every month and the item changes every month, too. Right now we have connect cubes in it and it is filled up. Every Friday the teachers will randomly pick a winner by sticking their hand in a bucket. The first few weeks it is for a lucky winner, but at the end of the month it is for whose estimate was closest to the answer in the bucket, so we try to guess right! The more tickets we have in the bin, the better our chances to win...BOTH ways!!!