Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Buses Late On the First Day of School?! by Ella

Hi, my name is Ella. I am in Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Ziegelhofer’s 4th grade class. I am having so much fun. However, that wasn’t the case on the first day of school when it came to the buses. Wait until you hear what happened to Austin Road Elementary School...

On the first day of school the buses were one hour and 15 minutes late at dismissal! This is all because they separated the high school and the middle school bus runs. The change made all of the bus routes, except the high school’s, late for arrival and dismissal since they arrive and dismiss first. The high school routes made all the other schools late because they had new bus runs. My mom was mad because my bus that I took home is arriving at my house at 4:15pm, and it is supposed to come at my house at 3:40pm.

Fortunately, the problem has improved, but Austin Road is still dismissing later than normal. Maybe it will be back to normal next year.

Trunk or Treat by Sully & Bobby


This is the SPOOKIEST party yet. When you go to TRUNK OR TREAT you bring your “trunk” and your costume. You  decorate your trunk, throw in some candy and a costume and you’re in the green. Run around collecting candy and treats while you meet up with your buddies.  The teachers walk around judging trunks and costumes. After awhile you all come together and receive awards for the best trunk and costumes. The winners get a gift card and some candy!!! This is a great Halloween event for all ages. Wouldn't  you agree? You can meet us there on Friday, October, 26th at 6 P.M. See you there!!!

We're Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a tough act to follow, but we're back with more great stories!!!  Stay tuned...