Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Flexible Seating by Ella

Hi, it’s me…Ella back with a another great story. If you liked “Buses Late on the First Day of School”,  then you will love to hear about what kind of chairs we have in our classroom.

The best thing happened on the first day of school. Our teachers said that we can change our seat every day, but it needed to be in a ¨smart spot¨. That means we have to sit next to someone that we will not get distracted by( like our best friend in the world), but sit next someone you can get work done with.

In room 217, at Austin Road Elementary School, we have many cool chairs. There are high chairs, stools, low chairs,and mushroom chairs that look like real mushrooms! We have desks that look like coffee tables. We also have several bean bag chairs that are on the carpet and in our back room. In the back room, we have a small couch that one person can sit on when we need an extra quiet place to work. The back room is where we can read or do math problems.

I love flexible seating, but I think we should have the same seat for a month because it’s hard to pick a new spot every day.  However, other people in my class may think it’s not fun sitting next to someone for one whole month.

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