Friday, June 1, 2018

Our Constellation Experience by Sofia

Who wants to see the constellations? Well, I really do! Oh, wait our class already did by visiting Mrs. Huestis' 3rd graders! It was amazing, they are so talented. First, we went to their classroom and there was this huge sign that said: ”Welcome to our Planetarium!” That's when I got excited. As soon as we got in, I personally thought that I was in outer space! Then, there were groups of third graders all teaching us about different constellations in the night sky! The classroom had pieces of black paper cut out to look like constellations, taped to the lights on the classroom ceiling. There was also music playing which sounded like outer space!  The 3rd graders taught us about Hercules, Aries, and Orion. Overall, that “trip” was amazing!!!! 😁😃

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