Friday, June 1, 2018

Preparing for the Science STATE TEST!!!!!! by Sophia

Next week we are taking the NY Science State Test. Let me tell you after the last two, my teachers said this one would be fun, and I really think they are right. Why? Because the last two state tests we had only 9 people that took it. 9 out of 21!! This time we had about 17 kids taking it. Way bigger amount if you ask me! That means people must think it is somewhat fun. Besides, we get to be in a science room doing experiments! That sounds pretty fun to me!

To prepare for this state test we have science stations set up all over our room; 5 stations. I already went to one, experiencing what that station would be like. And yes that was fun!  The feeling wasn't like just sitting around, it felt like you were actually doing something. The stations have all different science experiments to help us. Some of the stations were electricity, weight, volume, things like that.  After a few more days of going to these stations I think it really will be fun! The writing half maybe not so much, but I think the experiments will be!

A few days ago my class took the experiment part of the test. Yes, the stations were fun!  There was a volume station, a ball and ramp station, and with the volume station there was weighing. The last station was with magnets.

I really agree with everybody that says the science state tests are fun!!

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