Monday, December 18, 2017

Cursive Writing by Jake & Bella

Isn’t script so pretty?!?!?! We think it is. Guess what...a lot of schools have stopped teaching cursive writing. We know, we’re just as shocked as you are! Well in Room 217, cursive writing is making a comeback. It all started when our class read a Scholastic article titled, ”Should Schools Teach Cursive Writing?” Of course our class voted to see if we should learn cursive or not. It was a close debate, but we ended up LEARNING CURSIVE! Now every morning we learn at least one new letter of the alphabet in our cursive book. Luckily, our workbooks have QR codes that teach you how to properly make the letter of the day. We’re hoping by the end of the year, we’ll be cursive experts!!!! Our advice for you is to convince your teachers to let you learn cursive too!


  1. I LOVE cursive writing, and I am so happy to hear that you are bringing it back! I look forward to writing everything in cursive when I come to your class :)

  2. Hi Jake & Bella,
    Thanks for sharing this blog. I love to hear that cursive is making a comeback. Having a QR code next to the letter is a good way to see how to write it. How are your signatures coming along? I have been worried that if we don't teach cursive students will not be able to sign their name or even read a letter or card from a grandparent which may be written in script. I am glad that you are learning cursive!


    Dr. Pease
