Monday, December 4, 2017

Tis the Season to be Giving by Keira

Secret Santa is a good way to get to know the other kids in your class. This is the way I think we should do it in our class. First, everyone should write down their names on a folded piece of paper. Next, the teacher collects the papers and puts them in a hat. Then, each kid comes up, one by one, and picks a name from the hat. That kid is a Secret Santa for the person picked. The Secret Santa "makes" a special gift for the person they got; the gift cannot be bought. You can also give your person a special note or two that may brighten their day. Finally, the Secret Santa gives the gift and the Secret Santa is revealed. Everyone is surprised and everyone had fun. Our class will get to know each other even more. Our Secret Santa's in Room 217 will be revealed on December 21st!!!


  1. Dear Keira,

    What a great explanation of how Secret Santa will work in your class for this year. I love the idea that you have to make the gift for the person you select, those gifts always mean so much more.

    Finally, your visual at the bottom is such a quick and easy way to for someone to understand how the Secret Santa is working in your class. The change in font color for each piece of information makes it very easy to read.

    Can't wait to hear how the reveal goes on December 21st.



  2. Keira,

    What a wonderful post! You did an amazing job explaining the steps involved in preparing for, and participating in “Secret Santa”. This is such a great idea for you to do as a class. As you mentioned, it gives you opportunities to get to know people in your class better which is awesome. I love the idea of doing random acts of kindness in the days leading up to December 21, you never know when someone needs a little something to make them smile. Great job and I can’t wait to hear more about this!

    Best Regards,

    Mrs. Wisotsky

  3. Keira, what a great way to spread holiday cheer!
