Monday, January 22, 2018

Spectacular Reading Response Journals by Austin & Connor

Have you ever written a reading response? If you haven't, you should definitely try it out! There are some steps to writing a reading response. Here are the steps. First, read a book. If it’s a long book, you can just read a chapter. Second, fill out a graphic organizer.  You can even use your hand! Trace your hand on a piece of paper. Put the main idea in the palm of your hand and put five supporting details on your fingers.  Your graphic organizer is like your rough draft that you write all the important events from the story that you want to remember. Next, use your graphic organizer to write your response in your journal. Now it’s time to draw a full-page picture. We all rate ourselves on a grading sheet before we hand them in. Lastly, everyone swaps journals so they can grade each other’s and give advice and comments to help you with your next response. Some things our class is working on are full page pictures, paragraphs, or colorful vocabulary, spelling and grammar.  We rate ourselves and each other using four main categories; Awesome, Good, Okay, and Oops! I forgot it.  If you ever try reading responses in your class, we hope you’ll enjoy doing it!


  1. This is such a great idea! I never thought of using my hand to create a graphic organizer. I am going to show this to a few teacher friends! Thank you for sharing this and keep up the great work!

  2. Dear Austin & Connor,
    I really enjoyed your post. When I was in school (a long, long time ago) we didn't use graphic organizers like you have learned how to use. I think that this would have made my writing much more organized. I am going to try that "Trace my hand" idea.

    Thanks for the tips.

    Dr. Pease

  3. Austin & Connor,

    Great job explaining the reading response journals! I LOVE the hand G.O. for main idea! I hadn't thought of that before. I usually use a table, or simple boxes, but I am excited to try this with my class across the hall! Keep up the great blogging!
