Friday, January 12, 2018

Unusual Homework by Sophia

Since the first week in December, our class has been given unusual homework.  It’s nothing like a normal 4th grade class would be given.  But then again, we’re not a normal 4th grade class.  Our teachers think it would be better for us to complete a 2-page packet, which they call a spiral, each week for math.  It contains 16 math problems with only the math we learned so far.  That way it’s more of a review and we won’t forget anything.  I think it's better this way too!  Although we might get a sheet due the next day for spelling or something and of course we always have our reading response journal due each week as well.

Our reading response journal is used for what we read each week.  We have to write a full-page summary of the book or chapter we read that week.  Then we have to draw a FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATION of what we wrote about.  Yeah, drawing a picture for 4th grade homework?! DEFINITELY not your average 4th grade homework.

I explained to you that our homework is pretty unusual.  But sometimes unusual is good.  I like this new homework style, do you?  Many people in my class agree with me and believe this new homework method is cool and useful.  We’re reviewing, but it’s less homework and less stressful.  So I’ve got a question for you think ALL grades and schools should have homework the way our unique classroom does?


  1. Hi Sophia,

    I am so glad you shared this idea. This sure is an interesting way for a teacher to assign homework. Although I am not sure that I know enough about this kind of homework to answer your hard question. I would like to tell you one thing however. It's pretty special that your teachers keep trying new things so they can make your class better and better every day. It sure is nice when teachers are always trying new things to find better ways to teach their students. I hope that you learn this from them and always try new things as you look for a better way to do things.

    I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your new spiral homework.


    Dr. Pease

  2. Sophia,

    I am VERY interested in this spiral HW! I agree with both you and Dr. Pease that it is pretty neat how your teachers are always looking for new and exciting things to try. Do you think one day you'd like to share more about this homework with my class across the hall? I bet the students would much rather hear all about it from a fellow 4th grader who is already an expert... than me!

    Keep up the good work!
