Friday, January 12, 2018

What are Precepts??? by Keira & Jisella

Do you know what precepts are?  If you don't know, we´ll tell you.  It’s like a motivational speech.  So like...if you're getting bullied an example might be, “Be a buddy, not a bully.”  And here’s another one; “Your actions speak louder than words” There's one that says, “If you want a friend, be a friend” There might be some precepts you don't understand and there might be some that you do. However, they all have one thing in common;  they're supposed to remind you to be kind and to treat others how you want to be treated.  Our teachers are REALLY big on precepts and sometimes so are we. We’ll say a precept without even knowing we’re saying one!  Our classroom has a lot of posters of precepts to keep reminding us to be thoughtful of others!


  1. Hi Keira & Jisella,

    Well done! I enjoyed reading your blog about "Precepts." My favorite precept is "Be the reason that someone smiles today." Now you have me thinking about others. I am sure that the next time I hear or see one, I will think of your Blog!

    Dr. Pease

  2. Keira & Jisella,

    I am so happy you chose to blog about precepts! I have to say, Mr. Browne's monthly precepts is one of my favorite parts of the book Wonder. Have you seen the complete list? I found a link to it here:

    Which one is your favorite?
