Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Awesome Ozo by Peter

Have you ever seen an Ozobot tour New York State?? We have in Room 217.  Our class had lots of fun learning how to code.  

An Ozobot is a mini robot that can fit in the palm of your hand.  It has a brain that reads color patterns.  Ozobots can read the colors red, green, blue and black.  We used markers to highlight different things on our New York State Maps.  We used the color red for mountains, the color blue for lakes and rivers and the color green for the states that border New York.  Whatever color line the Ozobot went over, it would turn that color.  

We also coded our Ozobots using OzoCodes to do cool tricks like spinning, turning and moving fast or slow.  The OzoCode for spin is green, red, green, red.  We learned the rules for coding pretty quickly. For example, drawing lines that are thick enough for the Ozobot to read and even putting the right colors in the correct order.  You don’t want to overlap colors or the Ozobot won’t read your code.     

It was lots of fun using Ozobots to learn about New York State.  You should try them, too!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Our Fluffy Adorable Friend Mabel!!! by Hayden

Mabel is our class guinea pig!!!! She is brown and full of love to share. We take turns cleaning her cage and surprisingly, it is SOOOOOOO fun!  I personally play the “Quiet Game” around her because with a guinea pig, you can't be loud.  It also helps her calm down if you’re quiet. She goes to the bathroom a lot so we clean her cage every morning. We also refill her water; we have a different bottle for the weekends so she doesn't get dehydrated. We feed Mabel hay and lots of kibble. I think that her favorite time of the day is silent reading because during that time we have to be silent. When we read Wonder, it feels like she is listening too! We all love Mabel and hopefully she loves us all back. GO MABEL!!!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Flipgrid, Our Class Specialty by Sofia & Sophia

In room 217, we use a website called Flipgrid. We use it for different topics like introductions, class debates, and sharing information about ourselves with other people we don’t know! We just started sharing our video responses with other students that live all the way on the other end of America!!!  Our conversations were about a book called Wonder. Ever since our fabulous teachers, Mrs. Ryan & Mrs. Ziegelhofer, introduced us to Flipgrid, our class has gotten better and better at video recording!! At first, it was extremely difficult to concentrate and not laugh, but after a couple of trials, we made a Flipgrid that wasn’t goofy or silly.  We then take selfies and we’re allowed to add silly faces, sunglasses, etc. to our pictures.

OUR little LIBRARY By: Bella and Jake

In our classroom, we have a little room that is very special.  It is our back room and we call it our little library. It is small and very quiet.  But even though it is small, it is very helpful. Some days we are allowed to read in it. We also use it for station work and Kahoot! Everybody in the whole entire school would want to have a little library like us if they knew we had it.  Our little library has a big carpet and curtains for the windows.  There are different colored bean bag chairs in our little library as well as a sofa chair; it is SO cool that we even have a Smartboard and a dry erase board on the wall.  Also in our back room we always have music playing, and it is very soothing.  It is very nice in the little library.

Super Duper Incredibly Awesomely Amazingly Flexible Seating!!!!!! by Connor & Austin

Have you ever been in a classroom with seats that could move or bounce? Because if you have, you had a classroom with flexible seating.  Flexible seating is incredibly awesome!  We have different seats such as bouncy chairs, chairs with wheels, chairs that spin as well as chairs that are tall and chairs that are small including colorful bean bag chairs.  Flexible seating is comfortable and relaxing.  But we also have some rules to follow.  You have to pick a “smart spot” which means to pick a seat that works for you and helps you concentrate.  And when you're done using your seat, you need to clean up all the materials that you used.  Our teachers remind us to have fun, but be responsible!  Flexible seating is one of the coolest things in our whole entire CLASSROOM!!! Flexible seating, YEAH!!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Welcome to our Class by Sophia

Room 217 is about to start blogging!!!  In case you don’t know what blogging is, blogging is an ability for our classroom to share what we’re learning about weekly in fourth grade.  We can create YouTube live videos, post pictures, and document our learning.  Our class decided to blog because we want the public or even the world to know what cool things we do in Room 217...and because we’re sooooo unique.  Only us kids will blog and not our teachers; each week 3 new students will be chosen out of a cup to blog.  Blogging will allow our classroom to be free and write with our voice, our thoughts, our opinions, and even our emotions.  If you haven't already figured out, we’re extremely excited to blog!!!