Sunday, November 19, 2017

Welcome to our Class by Sophia

Room 217 is about to start blogging!!!  In case you don’t know what blogging is, blogging is an ability for our classroom to share what we’re learning about weekly in fourth grade.  We can create YouTube live videos, post pictures, and document our learning.  Our class decided to blog because we want the public or even the world to know what cool things we do in Room 217...and because we’re sooooo unique.  Only us kids will blog and not our teachers; each week 3 new students will be chosen out of a cup to blog.  Blogging will allow our classroom to be free and write with our voice, our thoughts, our opinions, and even our emotions.  If you haven't already figured out, we’re extremely excited to blog!!!


  1. This is fantastic! We can’t wait to read more!

  2. Hello Room 217!

    You are leaders and scholars! I am so proud of your decision to share all of the good things that are happening in your classroom! Keep up the good work. I will check back and read your posts often!


    - Dr Pease

  3. Dear Sophia,

    What a great post!!! You explain so clearly why your class got into blogging and what we can expect as the readers each week. I love the entries that have been posted so far and can't wait for the future ones.

    -Mr. Gilligan
