Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Our Fluffy Adorable Friend Mabel!!! by Hayden

Mabel is our class guinea pig!!!! She is brown and full of love to share. We take turns cleaning her cage and surprisingly, it is SOOOOOOO fun!  I personally play the “Quiet Game” around her because with a guinea pig, you can't be loud.  It also helps her calm down if you’re quiet. She goes to the bathroom a lot so we clean her cage every morning. We also refill her water; we have a different bottle for the weekends so she doesn't get dehydrated. We feed Mabel hay and lots of kibble. I think that her favorite time of the day is silent reading because during that time we have to be silent. When we read Wonder, it feels like she is listening too! We all love Mabel and hopefully she loves us all back. GO MABEL!!!


  1. Hi Hayden,

    When I visited your classroom today, I was happy to meet Mabel. She looked very busy in her home by the door. She was chewing away on something. I think that she thought it was snack time. Class pets are a lot of fun. I am happy to see that you have one. Her coat looked so silky. Do you have to brush her?

    When I was a High School Science teacher I had a bunch of class pets. In our class, we had a very large and hairy spider called a "Rose Haired Tarantula." I also had a snapping turtle, fish, frogs, and crayfish. I had a very friendly python snake named "Penelope." She used to like to sleep in my sweatshirt front pocket while I taught my class!

    - Dr. Pease

  2. Mabel is lucky to have such responsible and caring students tending to her!
