Monday, November 20, 2017

Flipgrid, Our Class Specialty by Sofia & Sophia

In room 217, we use a website called Flipgrid. We use it for different topics like introductions, class debates, and sharing information about ourselves with other people we don’t know! We just started sharing our video responses with other students that live all the way on the other end of America!!!  Our conversations were about a book called Wonder. Ever since our fabulous teachers, Mrs. Ryan & Mrs. Ziegelhofer, introduced us to Flipgrid, our class has gotten better and better at video recording!! At first, it was extremely difficult to concentrate and not laugh, but after a couple of trials, we made a Flipgrid that wasn’t goofy or silly.  We then take selfies and we’re allowed to add silly faces, sunglasses, etc. to our pictures.


  1. Dear Sofia and Sophia,

    I used Flipgrid for the first time this year as well. I posted a video to introduce myself to the parents of Austin Road. I can definitely relate with how hard it is to keep a straight face as you record your message. It took me five tries to get a video that I liked enough to share with parents. Like you said, the more practice, the better you get. I hope to get as good with Flipgrid as your class has this year.

    -Mr. Gilligan

  2. Hi Sofia and Sophia,

    Flipgrid sounds like a fun tool to use in the classroom. I have only tried it once with my students, but now that I read this blog post I definitely want to try it again! Thank you for sharing how you use Flipgrid. Maybe you can come downstairs to help the third graders learn how to use it. Your class is doing amazing things! Keep up the good work!

    -Mrs. Huestis

    1. Dear Mrs. Huestis,

      We would love to help your classroom with Flipgrid! Please tell us what day and time works for you. Have a wonderful day!

      From: Sofia and Sophia
